Congratulatory message of CGC’s leadership on the arrival of the Holy Month of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan, with its mercies and bounties, has its shadows spread over us once more. Lucky are the people who use righteously each and every moment of this month. The month of Ramadan is the month of training and struggle. Provision of fasting, observing Nawafil (voluntary prayers), recitation and Zikr… all these impart freshness to our faith and prepare us for the remaining eleven months. Acknowledging this golden opportunity, we must try to make the best use of it. We should try that by means of fasts we get close to Allah, find a lesson of equity and brotherhood between fellow-humans and feel sympathy for the deprived. Ramadan teaches us to be thankful for the countless bounties of Allah and also gives us the message that we should stand ready to sacrifice our desires on the command of Allah.

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